Enter content here Radanova won silver at 500-m. Evgenia Radanova (in the foreground) won her second medal at the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. She finished second at the 500-m short-track distance after the Chinese Yang Yang (A) (in the middle) and won the silver. Zheni has already gained bronze medal for the 1500-m competition. Irina Nikoulchina took the bronze from the pursuit at the 10-km biathlon race a few hours before Radanova's start. Figure skaters Albena Denkova (bottom) and Maxim Staviyski of Bulgaria perform their free dance routine at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games, February 18, 2002. The Games run through February 24. REUTERS/David Gray
Figure skaters Albena Denkova (L) and Maxim Staviyski of Bulgaria skate past the judges while performing their free dance routine at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games, February 18, 2002. The Games run through February 24. REUTERS/Mike Segar
The Gravest Charge against the Bulgarian Medics in Libyan Quashed.
Bulgarians did not take part in a conspiracy against the state security, the People's Court in Tripoli ruled.
The Libyan People's Court returned the files on the case back to the prosecutors' office, saying there had not been enough evidence to back the charge of conspiracy against the security of Jamahiriya. The six Bulgarians and the Palestinian face a possible death sentence if convicted in the first trial of its kind in Libya involving foreigners. All the defendants pleaded not guilty, as did nine Libyans who face similar charges. "The Libyan People's Court returned the files on the case back to the prosecutors' office, saying there had not been enough evidence to back the charges against the medics," a press official for President Georgi Parvanov told Reuters. The Libyan People's Court usually rules in cases related to national security. The original indictment against the Bulgarian medics said the infection was part of a conspiracy with Western intelligence services aimed at undermining Libyan security and its role in the Arab world. The People's Court transferred the case to an ordinary court because there was not enough evidence proving the defendants had been involved in a crime against the security of the Libyan state," the official said, quoting reports from Bulgarian diplomats present at the court session. Tribunal officials in the Libyan capital confirmed the reports reaching Sofia. "The case was transferred to an ordinary court because it is not in the field of the People's Court to rule in such a case," a Tripoli People's Court judge said. The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry praised the court's decision, attributing it to the involvement of Seif-al-Islam, the son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and head of the Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Associations, who in August agreed to be an observer at the trial. To the Libyan lawyer of the medics Osman Byzanti said that the sentences are expected to be pronounced within 2 months. In the ordinary court, most probably a Benghazi-based one, the proceedings are more prompt. The Bulgarians, however, could face death sentences if convicted of deliberately infecting 393 Libyan with HIF. In the meanwhile, 23 of the 393 infected children have already died.
I'll Be Glad to Welcome Gaddafi's Son.
Georgi Parvanov, Bulgaria's President.
The case against the Bulgarian medics is a complicated one and, as for the Libyan party, its remittal is showing good will to establish the truth. More time is needed to investigate the case in depth. I have no doubts in the objectivity of the Libyan prosecution and I do believe that the new investigation will lead to acquitting the Bulgarian medics on the gravest charges. I hope the decision of an alleviated regime for the Bulgarian citizens to be enforced further. I express warm thanks to Seif al-Islam, the head of the Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Associations, who served as an impartial observer in the trial. I'll be glad to welcome Seif al-Islam as a guest of mine in Bulgaria. I appeal to the Bulgarian professionals in Libya to further keep on working conscientiously in the diverse sectors of the Libyan economy and public services. It is an important input to improve the relations with the Libyan Jamahiriya. In my capacity of the Bulgaria's President and of a father, I want to express once again my purely human sympathy for the Libyan children infected with HIF and their families.
We Received Very Good Signal.
Solomon Passy, Foereign Minister.
The decision of the People's Court is a very good signal. As I've already said, to us, the withdrawal of the most grave charges at that sitting of the court, would be a success. The court ruling inspires hopes. The fact that the case materials are returned to the prosecutor's office may mean that the most grave charges will be partially changed and further on it gives the possibility for a better outcome of the case. It's encouraging that our compatriots will be kept under the same (I would like to quote them) 'luxury conditions'. So, at this stage I'm hopeful. The International Foundation for Charity Associations and its leader, Seif al-Islam, played an enormous role for this decision of the People's Court.
I Hope for a Transparent Trial.
Nadezhda Mihailova, UtdDF PG leader.
The remand of the trial against the Bulgarian medics in Libya for reconsideration is a positive development. The dropping of the gravest accusation is an important sign. We've always believed that the neutrality of the Libyan justice will prove that our fellow-countrymen are not capable of committing such a crime. I hope for a transparent trial at which the defence will be heard out and the decisions taken will be for the good of our fellow-countrymen.
We Should be More Patient.
Sergey Stanishev, BSP leader.
The development is positive for our fellow-countrymen. The prospect is that this trial be resolved favourably. It's obvious that the Libyan justice itself deems it necessary to reconsider part of the accusations, particularly so the gravest ones. This makes us hope. We should be a little more patient. I believe that this process of reconsideration will pass quickly. Our fellow-countrymen enjoy more normal conditions and I think they'll have the courage and patience.
Radanova Won Silver at 500-m Distance.
Ivan Slavkov awarded the short-track medalists.
Evgenia Radanova won the first silver medal for Bulgaria at the Winter Olympic Games. She finished the second in the 500-m sprint during the short-track competition at the 19th Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Zheni - world record holder in the discipline, clocked up in 68 thousandths of the second behind her major rival from the last years - Yang Yang (A). Ivan Slavkov - chairman of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee, awarded Radanova and the other medalists in the short-track. A few hours earlier, in a 10-km biathlon pursuit for women, Irina Nikoulchina finished third and won the bronze medal. Bulgaria has already collected three medals - 1 silver and 2 bronze, from Salt Lake '2002 and shares the 18th position with such world ski-power as Sweden. In recent history we have only 2 medals - a bronze of Ivan Lebanov - 30-km ski-race from Lake Placid '80, and gold of Ekaterina Dafovska from Nagano '98 in 15-km biathlon. 'I'm very happy. I have the opportunity to win one more medal. I'm surprised, that Yang Yang (A) defeated me in the discipline, I'm the best one, but she's well-trained as well. I felt at ease before the start. I'm also happy about the success of Irina Nikoulchina. I send greetings to my mother, brother, all my friends and relatives,' Radanova said before the BNT after the competition and just before the mandatory doping tests.
Bakardzhiev: Kostov May be Leader Again.
Standartnews Matei Bonev
Ivan Kostov is still ruling the UDF and if he's to decide to give up his role of a 'Custodian', he will be the new party chairman, Evgenii Bakardzhiev - leader of Bulgarian Democratic Union 'Radicals', said in Kazanlak. To him, the new leader of the 'blue' party is most likely not to bear the name Mihailova - neither Katya, nor Nadezhda. BDU 'Radicals' are not looking for enemies and will address its messages to those 2 million Bulgarians, who voted for the UDF in 1997, Bakardzhiev added. The radicals' evolution into a party is in progress, he elaborated.
IMF Is Against 'Golden Share' in 'Bulgartabak'
If the state wants control after the sale, that will repell the investors, maintain sources from the Fund.
The investors interested in the privatization of BG companies will decrease in numbers, if the state keeps the 'golden share' in large-scale firms, like 'Bulgartabak' and BTC, Jerald Schiff, head of IMF mission in Bulgaria, said on bTV. To him, there won't be any use in the privatization, if the government is to keep the control over the ventures after the privatization and restricts the foreign investors in decision-making. Initially, the privatizations boosts unemployment, but the economy's efficiency is growing and fresh jobs are created further,' Schiff elaborated. The number of people to be downsized and how long they must keep their jobs should be negotiated in advance. This is the better option than letting the state exercise control over the investors, Jerald Schiff stressed.
"Kremikovtsi" Buys Equipment from Russia.
Equipment supply worth $ 26 million agreed with the cabinet a week ago.
Vladislava Peeva
Most probably, Kremikovtsi will accept spare parts and machinery from Russia that will pay off part of the Russian debt to Bulgaria, "Standart" found out. The equipment will be worth up to 26 million dollars. This was agreed upon between the management of the steel works and the government after the Ministry of Finance levied a restraint on the venture's exports. The move was initiated by the government, "Standart" learnt from unofficial diplomatic sources. The real reason for it is the attempt to force the owners to accept the Russian equipment. The acquittal of the Russian debt is one of the topics that will be discussed at the sitting of the Bulgarian-Russian Committee. The sitting will be held on February 22 in Sofia. According to the agreement from 1995, Russia has to pay back to Bulgaria 52 million dollars as equipment supplies for Kremikovtsi and 48 million dollars, as spare parts for our aircraft. After the metallurgical giant was privatized, the new owners flatly refused to pay for the equipment that was not part of the plant's assets at the moment of the sale. According to the informed sources, now pressure is exerted over the management to make it accept at least part of the Russian machinery. We shall make public our official stand after the negotiations with Russia are completed, said the managers of Kremikovtsi.
Balkan Slots in London Already Bargained.
BG airlines to take 2.5 million pounds for the barter with British Airways.
Belcho Tsanev
Balkan Airways' aircraft won't land in London Heathrow airport from March 28 on. The slots of our national flag carrier will be soon sold. BG landing and takeoff time will become property of British Airways against 3.2 million pounds. In return, Balkan will buy slots for 700,000 pounds at Gatwick - which is a more inconvenient airport. Thus the airline's net profit from the deal will amount to 2.5 million pounds. Receivers Hristo Mollov and Olga Milenkova initially insisted on 5.65 million pounds. The contract is likely to be signed on Tuesday. The money will be transferred in two tranches. More than half of the sum - the payment for ceding the summer slots of Balkan at Heathrow - is to be received by end-February. The winter ones will be paid off in June. Balkan will also seal a memo with Lufthansa on leasing two Boeing 737 aircraft till the end of this week. The new plains will be able to land in airports with extremely strict environmental requirements, like Vienna or Amsterdam.
Simeon's Visit to Washington Being Prepared.
Ambassador Richard Miles recommends to President Georgi Parvanov to visit America.
Silvia Nikolova Premier Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha will visit Washington in the first half of this year, the hitherto US ambassador to this country Richard Miles announced in a political talk show on bTV yesterday. I'm certain that a visit to America would be very useful to Mr Parvanov too. I spoke with him of this on his taking office, Richard Miles commented further. However, efforts are now focused on the preparation of Simeon's visit. Later on we shall consider the possibilities for the head of state too, Mr Miles underlined. There are no dates fixed for the visit of Premier Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the USA, government press attache Tsvetelina Ouzunova said. Prepared at the moment is the visit of the prime minister to Austria at the end of March. At that time there will be "Days of Bulgaria" in Vienna.
Simeon Dismisses One Minister.
Most probably, among those to be relieved of their posts will be deputy minister of culture, Gantcho Karabadzhakov, deputy minister of transport, Ljubomil Ivanov, and deputy minister of regional development, Ivan Staev. The fate of Emil Dimitrov, chief of the "Customs" Agency has not been decided yet. The deputies expect that Simeon Saxe-Coburg will inform them whether Stoyan Ganev was dismissed from his post of the director of the PM's office or resigned on his own free will. To us it's very important who will take these vacant posts, commented the NMS MPs. They insisted on being acquainted with the CVs of the possible nominees. If the information about the changes in the cabinet is not clarified by the middle of the next week, the UtdDF and Coalition "For Bulgaria" will motion an interpellation to the Premier, declared the parliamentarians from the respective factions. In the opinion of Rossitsa Totkova of the UDF, the ministers cannot do their job because they are expecting to be replaced any more.
Simeon Rules with Cunning.
Saxe-Coburg relies on the reports of the director of his office, and here lies the risk of manipulation.
Vassil Garnizov Political Analyst
It was expected that the non-confidence vote to the NMS wouldn't affect the cabinet. No one expected that it will "decapitate" the PM's office. Ganev was not the initiator of the attack against Stefan Sofianski. He is even less to blame for the frustrated establishment of the NMS-party. He has nothing to do with the problems of "Bulgartabac", BG Telecom or the customs. He is not at all implicated into the tax chaos or confusion with medicines' prices. After the rating of so many different authorities in Bulgaria slumped, the country is run not with confidence and trust, but with cunning. Thus, the fact that we parted with Ganev doesn't mean that he was dismissed, it was rather an "administrative re-organization", and the chaos is not in the country's management but in the PM's office. Our Council of Ministers is so arranged that the Bulgarian Premier has to read out up to 500 pages a day at the average. Each of these materials calls for a certain decision or involves shouldering personal responsibility. Videnov also used to read the reports. And as the conflicts in the country and within his party grew more acute, the materials for reading grew more voluminous and the responsibility, heavier. Kostov read out thousands of pages every day and took the responsibility for what he read. It didn't mean though that he was the immediate ruler of the country. He hated the games with shifting the responsibility and insisted that everyone does the work he was elected to do. However, he kept on reading, and his resolutions showed that he does it with due attention and sees the point. In contrast to his predecessors, Simeon Saxe-Coburg doesn't read everything himself. He relies on the resumes prepared by the director of his office. And, if the Premier doesn't compare the resume with the original, any summing-up may prove to be a manipulation. May be this is the main reason why Ganev had to leave. Whoever becomes a new chief of the PM's office will have to do his job without abusing his power, to submit all documents for reading without offering his own assessments. Because this is the Premier's business only.
The Gravest Charge Quash, but the End Is Postponed.
INTERVIEW Standartnews: Ognyan Gerdzhikov

Ognyan Gerdzhikov, National Assembly Chairman.
Nadelina Aneva
- Mr Gerdzhikov, does the result of the trial in Libya give hope that the Bulgarian medics will return to this country?
- It's a sign that the gravest accusation against the Bulgarians, that is, that they threatened Libya's national security, is dropped. This means that the trial will go back to the phase of prosecution office investigation. As for this course of the trial I should stress the enormous contribution of the foundation of Gaddafi's son - Seif al Islam. Naturally, to have the present development of things, efforts were also made on the part of the Bulgarian institutions.
- Some time ago you said that the Libyan court is an independent institution which is directly influenced by the improvement of the political relations between Bulgaria and Libya. What will be the next moves henceforth?
- The efforts will continue. The foreign ministry in the person of Solomon Passy, and the other institutions have been constantly addressing positive messages to Libya which helps further improve our relations. This indirectly reflects on the course of the trial although the court is an institution which shouldn't be directly influenced by that.
- Will there be any concrete initiatives along the line of parliament and the government for improving links between the two countries?
- There are already projects which are meant to boost trade and economic relations. Libya shows interest in Bulgarian specialists and in the implementation of joint projects.
- Will Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam be invited to Bulgaria?
- There exists such an idea. I think that minister Passy has taken a move in connection with the invitation of Mr Seif al-Islam Gaddafi since his contribution to what is taking place at the moment is very great.
(SB) I'm King, but I Serve to the Republic.
INTERVIEW Standartnews: Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

I've been brougt up for another 'occupation', but I managed to 'recycle' myself, says Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Sofia 'Qui' Magazine
- In the National Palace of Culture you made a strong-worded speech before the delegates of the movement.
- It was nothing extraordinary. After watching the situation closely for six months I realized that registration of the party under the existing conditions wasn't possible. It's better to do things in a proper way than act hastily. I'm convinced that the essence of the movement should be preserved - it must repain popular, open to all and be based on electoral principles. The classical 'great party apparatus' doesn't suit me.
- The new President of the Republic Georgi Parvanov took office on January 19. For the first time since the 1989 events, a former communist was elected President. Is this a sign of some disappointment?
- To me Parvanov's victory confirms the fact that we have to pay homage to 'vox populi'. To me, Parvanov's election sooner testifies to the fact that people don't want the UtdDF in power any longer, there is a change in their orientation.
- At the beginning of your mandate, you said that Bulgaria's prompt admission to the EU is a priority. However, a news agency recently reported, albeit unofficially, that your country and Romania wouldn't be among the 10 countriesto be accepted in 2004.
- What counts are the facts. Let's wait and see what will happen by 2004. Not long ago I visited Brussels. Romano Prodi told me that the question is not whether 10 or 12 countries would be admitted but rather the assessment which of the countries meets the criteria and the standards of the EU as much as possible. This is the reason why we shall keep working at an accelerated rate.
- Struggle against corruption underlies your program. What did you achieve during the 6 months of your rule?
- A list was made of the most flagrant and still unpunished cases. Perhaps many people hoped to immediately see 'cut off heads'. But the 'witch hunt' is a wrong approach. It is necessary to act as in any constitutional state.
- What are the relations between the Italian and Bulgarian governments?
- I was very pleased to get acquainted with Silvio Berlusconi, whom I met in Brussels. I hope to welcome him in Sofia this spring. Bulgaria and Italy have many common interests. I hope that industrialists will also come. In Bulgaria there are interesting conditions connected with privatization.
- The throne, meant for the king, in which you used to sit as a child, is still preserved in the 'Alexander Nevsky' cathedral.
- Since 1996, when I returned for the first time, I attended several masses in the cathedral and all the time I was there, in that place. However, I thought it would be appropriate to stand two steps lower. Now, in my capacity of a premier, I sit on the benches with the rest of the people. My situation is very complicated - on the one hand I can't be born again as Mr Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and on the other - I'm the Prime Minister of the republic. I attended a ceremony at which officers were awarded. Every time I congratulated them, they would answer: 'I serve the Republic of Bulgaria'. I thought of it and said to myself:'Me too!'. And this is so. Despite the fact that I was brought up for another 'occupation'. However, after strenous efforts I managed to 'get recycled' and will keep doing what I do.
(SB) Structural Changes Needed in Cabinet.
INTERVIEW Standartnews: Stefan Sofianski

Priority sectors - tourism, sports and energy - must have their own ministries, says Sofia Mayor, Stefan Sofianski.
Ekaterina Nikolova
Silvia Nikolova
- You dine with Simeon Saxe-Coburg each time before he announces another of his pivotal decisions. Is Stefan Sofianski the Premier's confidante?
- No, I don't think so. The PM's work requires from him to listen out many people, but the decisions he makes himself. We have absolutely normal and natural relationships as a capital's mayor and a premier should.
- As an ex-premier what kind of advice do you give him?
- We discuss the country's priorities in principle.
- How would you comment on the dismissal of Stoyan Ganev from the Council of Ministers?
- I wouldn't like to comment. The more you, the journalists, ask me about it, the more people tend to see the link between this case and our dinners with the King.
- Is there such a link after all?
- No.
- After the dinner with the Premier on Thursday you declared that there will be structural changes in the economy - tourism and energy sectors. Would you specify what you are expecting?
- The managerial structure must be improved. Energy is the key sector that is still fully state-owned. The managerial structure must be adequate - I mean we need a separate ministry to take charge of the branch. The same applies to tourism and sports.
- Is t possible that the people from your party "Free Democrats" will be invited to work in the cabinet?
- For the free democrats the primary objective is the victory in the local elections next year. We are not aiming at winning sits in the government now.
- The national conference of the UDF is forthcoming. What are your expectations?
- I wish sincerely they will be able to work out a clear-cut strategy. To make the UDF open up it is most important who will become their leader. To be more accurate whom will they elect. It must be a strong and highly reputed personality enjoying broad support.
- Do you think there are chances for consolidation in the right-wing space?
- Consolidation in the right and the center is unavoidable.
- How many structures has the "Free Democrats" Union throughout the country? Are there any disappointed UDF members who joined your Union?
- Well, there are people from the UDF, but mainly our members are the people who were not involved in politics so far. The account to some 70 percent. We have our structures in many towns.
- How are you going to cope with the problem of cleaning up Sofia. It is known that 5 million levs were deduced from the scarce Sofia budget allotted for cleaning.
- We have an agreement with certain companies with granted concessions which pledged to work more efficiently and buy new machinery. We also promise a thorough cleaning before Easter.
- What are you going to do with the numerous people who evade paying the garbage tax?
- Well, this is a very nasty problem. We have to resolve it as soon as possible. The revenues to the budget have decreased considerably. The parliament must take a final decision as regards garbage tax payments.
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